The Yellowknife Ski Club offers 14-kms of trails for skiers of all skills. Trails are designed for one-way skiing with enough width for both classic and skate technique. Trails are groomed twice a week by a volunteer team of groomers — please thank them if you see them on the trails, but stay away from grooming equipment if you are out while they are working! Please also avoid skiing in a newly set track - it needs to harden overnight to keep it’s shape.

We have three trails maps:


If someone gets hurt out on the trail and can’t get back to the ski lodge, call the Fire Department at 873-2222 for trail rescue assistance and provide the following information: 

  • What happened

  • Where is the injured person?

  • Where is the closest point of access?  Any helpful points of reference like a named part of the trail?  (always have a map handy when you are on the trails)

  • Will they need snowmachine/sled rescue?

  • What kind of injury – fracture, cardiac, conscious?

If possible, have one person stay with the injured person and another person call for help. While you are waiting for help to arrive:

  • Give basic first aid and keep the injured person warm.

  • Avoid moving the injured person.

  • Warn approaching skiers by putting skies in an ‘X’ in the trail.

  • Have someone meet the Fire Department at the lodge in a visible location to take them to the injured person. 

Wolf lying in snowy forest landscape

We share the trails with wild animals like foxes, coyotes, wolves, wolverines and bears (summer season). Do not approach or feed wildlife. Wildlife sightings or encounters can be reported to ENR by calling (867) 873-7181.


Most of the Snowflake trail (short and easy) is lit from dusk to dawn every evening during the ski season (the lights cover most of Snowflake and also go down the hill to the Johnny T turn). Please bring headlamps if you plan to ski other trails in the dark. 

Two people skiing on a snowy landscape under a cloudy sky with visible sun halo.


For regular updates on trail/track conditions and other skiing routes, join the Facebook group Yellowknife Ski Updates where you'll find local skiers sharing the latest conditions.

Note: This group isn't associated with the ski club.