The Yellowknife Ski Club offers 14 kms of trails for beginner to advanced skiers. All trails are designed for one-way skiing with enough width for both classic and skate technique.
Trails are groomed twice a week by a volunteer team of groomers — please thank them if you see them on the trails!
Most of the Snowflake trail (short and easy) is lit from dawn to dusk every evening during the ski season (the lights cover most of Snowflake and also go down the hill to the Johnny T turn). Headlamps or a full moon work well on other trails (and are particularly fun with small kids).
We have three trail maps: Touring Trails Map, Race Trails Map, Biathlon Trails Map
Off-site trail maps: Here’s a map of the 2021 loppet routes which includes 50 km of trails by local guerrilla groomers who set and maintain ski routes outside of our club. Almost all of these routes are on lakes that are skiable as long as the ice is safe. For regular updates on trail/track conditions and other skiing routes, join the Facebook group Yellowknife Ski Updates where you’ll find local skiers sharing the latest conditions. (Click the map to download the PDF.)
Non-members are welcome to use our trails. The cost is $15 for one person or $40 for a family (per day). Fees can be paid in the drop box by the trail entrance or by credit card here. Large trail maps are found on the display board at the club. Day users ski at their own risk.